We reduce your workload and drive business growth
Citius Solutions Corporation

Why Choose
A Customer Care and Contact Center You Can Grow With

CITIUS SOLUTIONS CORPORATION. A well-established solutions company with experienced professionals at its helm. Citius is a full-service provider of inbound, outbound, automated and business process outsourcing (BPO) call center services with exceptional customer care and support to meet every client’s needs. Our services are upheld by integrity, quality and giving importance to finding and creating best solutions suitable for your industry.
"It is nice working in citius be the admin are approachable specially the CEO sir John and the COO Miss Pinky are both the best bosses we could ever have, they always make sure the wellness of all the employees of citius and would even help them always whenever they are in need"
Gyver JabillesEMPLOYEE
“Citius means family. Eveyone here in citius treats you as family. I started here as an agent and now one of the company's QA's and I am so thankful for the opportunity given to me. I love being able to work with the amazing people in the company. I have been here for almost 5 years and I cannot see myself working anywhere else"
“Nothing is more grateful than staying in a company where abilities are explored, imperfections are encouraged and stepping up outside your comfort zone is appreciated. I can never ask for a company where everyone is treated as family and would even teach you life lessons that are beyond the four corners of our own homes. I am thankful that I am part of citius and be able to grow in this company is a once in a life time opportunity"
Mary Coleen IbgosEMPLOYEE
“Citius is not just a company that is continuously taking care of its employee during this pandemic but also maintained vision of how to forge the business without compromising the health of its people regardless of the country's quarantine status. Citius will always see each individual as human being first"
“My stay with Citius has provided me an avenue to redeem myself professionally. If I may, I have been given the chance to lead a team and be responsible people other than myself. It has been an enjoyable stay so for far and I am hoping that I will be able to contribute more to the growth of the organization."
Marjo DegoroEMPLOYEE
"I've been always grateful for the opportunity to be with Citius. I appreciate how to organization keeps true to its vision of being a workplace where integrity and quality of service is consistently upheld. Citius takes care of its clients as much as it takes care of its employees."
"I am very grateful that Citius has given me this opportunity to develop myself to be a better leader in the future. I'll be forever thankful to be part of this family and I hope will be here as Citius continues to grow."